Emergency Telephone Numbers:

  • Police 100
  • Fire Department 199
  • EKAB (Medical Assistance) 166
  • European Emergency Number 112
General Guide to Citizen Self-Protection
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General instructions for intense weather


  • We make sure to be constantly informed by radio and television about the evolution of weather phenomena. The official sources of information are the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.
  • In case of emergency we call alternatively: Police 100, Fire Brigade 199, EKAB 166, the European Emergency Number 112.
  • We place the above essential telephone numbers in a visible place in the house if our children are able to use them and we make sure that they know it.
  • Help your children memorize family information such as their last name, address and home phone number.
  • Explain to all family members how and when to turn off electricity, gas and water, how to use the fire extinguisher and how to call for help.
  • We supply essential items such as first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight and batteries, portable radio, etc.
  • We take special care of children and the elderly.

Once the bad weather is over

  • We constantly follow the official warnings or tips on the radio and television.
  • We check our home and other assets to record potential damage.

If we are going to move

  • We are informed about the weather and the condition of the road network.
  • Depending on your destination, we consider the type of weather phenomena we may encounter (snow, frost, hail, rain, etc.).
  • We change our travel schedule to avoid the peak of weather phenomena
  • We travel during the day, preferring the main arteries and not the inaccessible and deserted roads..
  • We inform your relatives about the route we will follow ..
  • We do not ignore the instructions of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, the weather reports of the Hellenic Police. and the suggestions of the local authorities, such as the Traffic Police, the Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, etc.
  • We check the condition of our car before each move.
  • Equip the car with the necessary means to deal with severe weather (anti-skid chains, antifreeze, umbrellas, raincoats, wellies, flashlight, first aid kit, etc.).
  • Wear appropriate clothing if we are going to walk.
  • Be careful when walking to avoid injuries due to slippery roads and sidewalks or due to falling objects from excessive wind or hail.
  • We prefer public transport for our travels.
  • We remain calm and patient. Panic aggravates the situation.

We facilitate the work of the Authorities..




· Avoid sunbathing and stay in shady and cool places away from crowded places.

· Avoid heavy physical work especially in areas with high temperature, apnea and high humidity.

· Avoid walking for long hours or running in the sun.

· We make sure our diet consists of light and small meals, with emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Limit fats.

· Drink plenty of fluids (water and fruit juices). If we sweat a lot, we add salt to our food. We avoid alcoholic beverages.

· Take warm showers during the day and if necessary place wet covers on the head and neck.

· We take care of our family members who suffer from chronic diseases (respiratory, cardiovascular, etc.). We consult their doctor for the implementation of special instructions and for those who take drugs, if they should continue them and in what dosage, as some drugs increase the body temperature.

· Μεριμνούμε για τα μέλη της οικογένειάς μας που πάσχουν από χρόνια νοσήματα (αναπνευστικά, καρδιαγγειακά, κλπ.). Συμβουλευόμαστε το θεράποντα ιατρό τους για την εφαρμογή ειδικών οδηγιών και για όσους λαμβάνουν φάρμακα, αν πρέπει να τα συνεχίσουν και σε ποια δοσολογία, καθώς ορισμένα φάρμακα αυξάνουν τη θερμοκρασία του σώματος.

· We avoid long journeys by public transport when the heat is at very high levels.

For babies and children

· Wear them as lightly as possible. We make sure that their hands and feet are free and not wrapped in diapers.

· We take care not to stay in the sun after swimming in the sea and always wear a hat.

· In addition to milk, the administration of other liquids such as chamomile, water, etc. is recommended.

· Especially for babies and older children, we make sure they eat more herbs and fruits and less fat.

For the elderly

· We move them to cooler places or areas (by the sea or in the mountains), because the very hot and humid environment is dangerous. Alternatively we make sure they remain in the lower apartments of multi-storey houses.

· We open the house at night to cool down and keep it tightly closed during the hot hours of the day.

· We do not leave the elderly members of the family alone in cases of summer vacation or our long absence from home. Otherwise, we provide a person for their daily care.

For pets and stray animals

· We make sure they have water

Stormy Winds

Stormy Winds (brochure) 

Before and during stormy winds

  • We insure objects which if carried by the wind may cause damage or injury
  • Attach the billboards that we may have posted.
  • We secure the doors and windows of your home or workplace.
  • We avoid activities in marine and coastal areas.
  • Avoid passing under large trees, under hanging signs and generally in areas where light objects (eg pots, broken glass, etc.) can come off and fall to the ground (eg under balconies). .

STORMS (brochure)

During a storm

If we are at home

  • Insure items that may be swept away by wind or heavy rain and may cause damage or injury.
  • We control the way of affixing billboards that we may have posted.
  • Secure doors and windows.
  • We do not hold electrical appliances or the telephone because lightning can pass through the cables. Disconnect the TV sets from the antenna and the power supply.
  • Avoid touching the plumbing pipes (kitchen, bathroom) as they are good conductors of electricity.

If we are in the car

  • Immobilize it on the side of the road and away from trees that may fall on it.
  • Stay inside and turn on the stop lights (emergency lights) until the storm stops.
  • Close the windows and do not touch metal objects.
  • Avoid flooded roads.

If we are outdoors

  • We resort to a building or a car, otherwise we immediately sit on the ground without lying down
  • We protect ourselves under solid branches of low trees in case we are in a forest.
  • We never take refuge under a tall tree in the open.
  • Avoid low soils for the risk of flooding
  • We do not stand by pylons, power lines, telephone lines and fences.
  • Do not approach metal objects (eg cars, bicycles, camping tools, etc.).
  • We move away from rivers, lakes or other bodies of water.
  • If we are in the sea we go out immediately.
  • If we are isolated in a flat area and we feel your hair rising (which indicates that lightning will soon appear), we make a deep seat with the head between the legs (to minimize the surface of your body and our contact with the ground) throwing the metal objects we have on us.

During a hailstorm

We protect ourselves immediately. We do not leave the safe area until we are sure that the storm


SNOWFALLS (brochure)

If we live in an inaccessible area that faces problems from snowfall

  • We supply heating material and food for several days.
  • We take care of snow cleaning equipment (eg shovels).

During a snowfall or blizzard

If we are at home

  • Keep it warm and stay in it as long as we canε
  • We do not allow children to go out unaccompanied.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes.
  • We check the water supply network, the pipes and the glass of the solar water heater.

If we are in the car

  • Avoid driving in inaccessible mountainous areas.
  • We change course if we are on an impassable road and there is heavy snowfall.
  • We keep the safe distances from the vehicles in front.
  • We stay in the car if it stops. We place a brightly colored cloth on the radio antenna or other conspicuous spot so that rescue teams can locate you. Turn on the engine for 10 minutes per hour and keep the exhaust clear of snow.

If we are outdoors

  • Go to a safe place without being exposed to the blizzard.
  • We dress with many layers of light and warm clothes instead of one heavy garment and wear warm waterproof boots. We prefer a waterproof outerwear.
  • We watch our movements in areas where snowfall is forecast.
  • We use anti-skid chains if it is absolutely necessary to move by car. It is best to travel during the day using main roads. We inform your relatives about the route we will follow.
  • We prefer public transport for transportation in the city.


· In areas where frost has formed, caution is required when driving. We are informed about the condition of the road network and we have anti-skid chains.

· If we move on foot, wear appropriate shoes to avoid injuries due to slipperiness.

In the water supply networks of the houses

  • We find out where the water meter (clock) of our house is located as well as the places where the main and peripheral water supply switches are located.
  • We check and make sure that the switches of the water supply network open and close and work smoothly.
  • We make sure that the external pipes (eg solar water heater, balcony taps) are insulated, otherwise we make sure that they are insulated as soon as possible.
  • We isolate or rather empty the network of the solar water heater, if we are going to be missing for a long time during the winter. We adjust the heating system of the house so that it works automatically at low temperatures.
  • Turn off the water supply to the solar water heater and drain the water from the system, if we are at home during the frost and especially at night.
  • We do not waste water to remove snow and ice.
  • We limit activities that require increased water consumption (washing machines, etc.)..
  • We are informed if an antifreeze has been installed on the solar water heater by the manufacturer or the installation specialist, in case of a closed circuit. Otherwise, we procure the appropriate antifreeze and take care of its installation.
  • Check for leaks in taps or cisterns. If there are, we take care to repair them immediately.
  • We make sure that the gutters on the balconies and terraces are clean of leaves and debris and work smoothly.


If the main water pipes are frozen

  • Immediately turn off the main water supply switch of the house and check the water meter. If it continues to operate (“writes”) then there is a leak in the network. Turn off the mains switch and call a plumber.
  • If we decide to defrost the pipes, we start from the part of the pipe near the switch so that the temperature change is gradual. If you do not have results, contact a plumber.
  • We check if the electrical installations are wet or in danger in order to isolate them.

For any damage we call from a landline or mobile phone 24 hours a day the number 1022 and we connect with the Business Operation Center of EYDAP SA in order to declare the water supply damage.

Travel in winter
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EARTHQUAKE (brochure)

WE ARE PREPARED (brochure)

Within the home

  • We fasten the shelves and the bookshelves to the walls. We remove from the doors the tall furniture that can be overturned and prevent the exit.
  • We screw the water heater and the fuel and water tanks well to the walls.
  • Place the heavy objects on the lower shelves.
  • Remove heavy objects over beds and sofas.
  • Fix the luminaires and ceiling fans well.
  • We identify well-protected areas in each room of the house:
    – under sturdy cabinets or tables.
    – away from glass surfaces and bookshelves.
    – away from external walls.
  • We check the correct operation of the electricity and gas supply network.
  • We inform the family members about how the general switches for electricity, water and gas are closed and about the emergency telephones (112, 199, 166, 100 etc.)
  • We supply portable radio with batteries, flashlight and first aid case.

Outside the house

  • We choose a safe meeting place after the earthquake which is located:
    – away from buildings and trees
    – away from telephone and electric cables.


If we are inside the house

  • We keep your cool.
  • We cover ourselves under some durable furniture (table, desk, desk), we kneel and hold his leg with your hands.
  • If there is no durable furniture, we kneel in the middle of the room, reducing our height as much as possible and protect our head and neck with our hands. We move away from large glass surfaces (windows, glass partitions) or furniture and objects that may injure us.
  • We do not try to leave the house.
  • We do not go out on the balcony.

If we are in a tall building

  • We move away from windows and exterior walls.

If we are in an entertainment venue, mall or department store

  • We keep your cool.
  • We stay in the space until the vibration ends.
  • We are not carried away by the panicked crowd that moves erratically towards the exits because we are in danger of being trampled.

 If we are in an open space

  • We move away from areas under buildings, telephone or electrical cables.
  • If we have a bag or briefcase with us, we cover our head with them..

If we are in the car

  • We resort to open space and carefully stop the car so as not to obstruct traffic.
  • Avoid passing through tunnels, bridges or overpasses.


If we are in the house

  • We are preparing for any aftershocks.
  • We carefully check ourselves and those around us for possible injuries.
  • If there are seriously injured we do not move them.
  • We evacuate the building from the stairwell (we do not use the elevator), after first closing the switches of electricity, gas and water.
  • We resort to an open and safe place.
  • We follow the instructions of the Authorities and do not pay attention to gossip.
  • We do not use your car unnecessarily so as not to become an obstacle to the work of rescue teams.
  • We use our landline or mobile phone in exceptional cases, because we cause overload of the telephone networks.
  • We avoid entering your home if we see damage, broken cables, gas or gas leaks.



If we are in a coastal area with low altitude

  • Although not all earthquakes cause tsunamis, we remain vigilant.
  • We observe if there is a significant rise or fall of the water level, which is a natural warning.
  • We move away from the sea and head to inland areas with higher altitude. A small tsunami in one part of the coast can turn into a large tsunami, miles away.
  • We live far from the coast. The tsunami does not consist of only one wave but of a series of waves so we return only after being informed by the competent authorities that there is no danger.

We do not approach the shores to watch an impending tsunami. When we see it maybe it’s too late to avoid it.

FLOOD (brochure)

In case we are informed about the occurrence of heavy rainfall in our area:

  • We make sure that the wells outside our house are not blocked and the gutters are working properly.
  • We restrict our movements and avoid work and staying in underground spaces.


If we are inside a building

  • We leave underground spaces and move to a safe high point

If we are in an open space

  • We do not cross a torrent on foot or by car.
  • We stay away from power lines.
  • We abandon our car if it has come to a standstill as it may be swept away or flooded.
  • We do not approach areas where landslides have occurred.


If we are in an open space

  • We stay away from areas that have been flooded or are in danger of flooding again in the next few hours.
    – the flood may have altered the characteristics of familiar areas and the waters may have washed away parts of the road, sidewalks, etc.
    – there are dangers from broken roads, areas with dangerous slopes, mudflows, etc.
    – water may be contaminated if litter, objects and dead animals are carried away.
  • Be careful not to obstruct rescue teams.
  • We do not approach areas where landslides and rock falls have occurred.
  • We check if your home or workplace is at risk of falling rocks.

If we must walk or drive to flooded areas

  • We are trying to find solid ground
  • We avoid flowing water.
  • If we find ourselves in front of a road that has been flooded, we stop and change direction.
  • We avoid stagnant water. They can be good conductors of electricity as they hide underground cables or leaks from installations.
  • We faithfully follow the instructions of the competent authorities.


Before we begin the recovery process

  • We remember that the dangers of flooding do not subside immediately after the withdrawal of water.
  • We make sure from the Authorities that the area where our home or workplace is located is now safe and then we return to it especially if it has been evacuated.
  • We turn off the electricity supply, even if the electricity in our area has been cut off.
  • We turn off the water supply, in case of damage to the water supply network.

In order to look at a building that has been flooded

  • Wear closed shoes to avoid injuries from objects or irregularities in the ground that hide the water.
  • We look at the walls, the doors, the stairs and the windows.
  • We examine the electricity, water supply and sewerage networks.

FOREST FIRES (brochure)


If we are in the countryside

  • We do not burn garbage or dry grass and branches during the summer months.
  • We do not light outdoor grills in the woods or in areas with dry grass in summer.
  • Avoid work that may cause a fire (eg welding, using a wheel or other tool that creates sparks).
  • We do not throw lighted cigarettes.
  • We do not leave garbage in the forest. There is a risk of ignition.
  • We respect the prohibitions of access in times of high risk.

If our house is in or near a forest

  • We create a fire zone around the house by cleaning the dry grass and leaves, pine needles and branches within a radius of at least 10 meters.
  • We prune the trees up to a height of 3 meters, depending on their age and condition.
  • Remove dry branches from trees and shrubs.
  • We do not let the branches of the trees rest on the walls, the roof and the balconies of the house. We prune them leaving a distance of at least 5 meters from the house.
  • Dilute the tree vegetation so that the branches of one tree are at least 3 meters away from the branches of the other. For even greater protection, we remove the tree and shrub vegetation around the building at a distance of at least 10 meters, provided that the cleaning works of the natural vegetation imposed for the protection of the buildings do not in any case violate the provisions of the forest legislation.
  • We do not install plastic gutters or pipes on the walls of the house.
  • We do not install shutters made of flammable materials on windows and balcony doors.
  • We make sure that the covers in the chimneys and the air ducts of the house are made of non-flammable material so that sparks do not penetrate.
  • We do not store flammable items near the house.
  • We place the firewood in closed and sheltered places..
  • We do not build uncovered fuel tanks near the house.
  • We procure the appropriate fire extinguishers and take care of their maintenance.
  • We are equipped with a watering pipe with a length proportional to the area we want to protect.
  • We are equipped with a water tank, a simple pump that works without electricity and a water pipe.

As soon as we notice a fire

  • We call IMMEDIATELY to the Fire Service (tel.199) and give clear information about:
    –  the location and exact location we are at,
    –  the location, the exact point and the direction of the fire.
    –  the type of vegetation that burns.

If the fire is approaching our house

  • We keep our cool.
  • We transfer all flammable materials from around the building to enclosed and sheltered areas..
  • We close all the passages (chimneys, windows, doors, etc.) so that the heat does not penetrate inside the house.
  • We turn off the gas and liquid fuel supplies inside and outside the house.
  • We collect the awnings on the balconies and windows.
  • We facilitate the access of fire trucks by opening the garden door.
  • We place a ladder on the outside of the house, opposite the direction of the fire so that there is the possibility of direct access to the roof.
  • We connect the watering hoses and spread them so that the perimeter of the house is covered.
  • If visibility is reduced, turn on the interior and exterior lights of the house to make it visible through the smoke.

 As soon as the fire is over

  • We leave the house and immediately turn off the remaining small hobs..
  • We check for at least 48 hours, at regular intervals, the perimeter and the outside of the house for the possibility of re-ignitions.

 If the fire has reached your home

  • We do not leave the building unless our escape is fully secured.
  • We do not get in a car. The chances of survival in a house made of non-combustible materials are much higher than in a car that is exposed to smoke and flames.
  • If we stay at home:
    – Close the doors and windows well.
    – Block the cracks with wet cloths to prevent smoke from entering.
    – Remove the curtains from the windows.
    – We move inside the rooms the furniture that is near the windows and the external doors.
    – Close the intermediate doors to slow down the spread of the fire.
    – Fill the bathtub, sinks and buckets with backup water.
    – We all gather together in one room.
    – We make sure there is a flashlight and spare batteries with us in case of power failure.
  • If your house is wooden we are looking for shelter in a built house.ι.
  • If an evacuation of the area is ordered, we faithfully follow the instructions of the Authorities and the routes that will be given to us.

Protection for Safe Heating (brochure)

Tips for prevention measures from alternative heating sources (use of heaters in homes)

· Do not use open type heaters with naked flame. Avoid appliances that have visible or exposed incandescent surfaces, such as braziers, etc.

· Comply with the manufacturer’s specifications.

· Prefer branded constructions that have been certified by a recognized laboratory.

· Perform regular maintenance (at least annually).

· Keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter from hot materials, such as curtains, wooden furniture, carpets, wooden walls, etc. Under no circumstances place the heaters on carpets.

· Choose a suitable location so that there is no risk of tipping over. Also, it is not allowed to place the heaters in escape routes – emergency exits and in general in places where any malfunction of the device will make the exit inactive.

· Cleaning fluids for clothes, floors and appliances are generally flammable. Do not switch on the appliances immediately after using these liquids, as vapors may still be present in the room. Also, do not place the heaters in areas where there is gasoline, other flammable vapors or flammable gases.

· Children are impressed in front of the fire, which is why they like to play with it, not knowing the dangers.

· Before leaving your home, check if the heaters are on

· Chimneys must have spark traps.

· Plan and practice evacuating your home in the event of a fire.

· The fire extinguisher is expected to help significantly in some difficult time. Read carefully and follow the instructions on it. The fire extinguisher is recommended to be dry powder with a minimum extinguishing capacity of 21A-113B-C and suitable for extinguishing fires in the presence of electricity.

· The installation of even portable (simple) fire detectors, although not required by current fire protection legislation, will mean an alarm in case of fire. There are fire detectors of different technologies depending on the conditions of the installation site (ionization, heat, photoelectric).

· The installation of portable gas detectors is also recommended if LPG-natural gas heaters are installed in the area.

· Finally, the installation of carbon monoxide detectors is recommended in cases of fuel use.

If you use a Fireplace or Firewood Stove-pellet


· Prefer branded constructions that have been certified by a recognized laboratory.

· Solid fuel should not have moisture.

· The installation should be done by people-crews who have the required technical knowledge.

· Do not throw flammable liquid, such as gasoline, alcohol, etc. to amplify or rekindle the fire because many outbreaks of fire are created abruptly, which can be transmitted to various nearby objects or endanger yourself.

· When removing the ash from the fireplace or firewood stove use a metal ashtray and be careful not to drop burning coals on the carpets and never empty the ashes into a plastic trash can.

· Do not place mirrors over the fireplace, or near the stove, as they attract people and approach without realizing it near the fire.


Prefabricated fireplaces should be properly supported to avoid movement.

Fireplaces made of other solid building materials (concrete, etc.) must be based on load-bearing structures with a minimum fire resistance of at least 3 hours.

An extension of the floor made of stone, concrete and other fireproof materials is required in front of and on either side of the fireplace opening.

· Do not leave small objects on the windowsill in the fireplace. It is certain that the children will come to get them.

· It is recommended to place a door or other suitable mechanism in front of the opening.


The volume of the space should be at least 15 cubic meters with appropriate sizing and placement of the device that will allow the correct recirculation of air.

If the floor is wooden or made of hot materials, place the stove on a base with a minimum thickness of 5-10 cm, made of fireproof materials with a minimum fire resistance index of at least 2 hours (marble, concrete, etc.) so that if burning coal falls from the box that was left open for a while, not to come into contact with flammable materials. The above base should extend around the perimeter of the stove at a distance of at least half a meter. The above base must be covered on its surface by a metal plate with a minimum thickness of 0.62 mm. If the distance between the stove base and the floor is less than 50 mm, the stove should not be placed on a wooden floor or made of hot materials. In any case, the construction is required not to impede the free circulation of air. Also, the floor can withstand the load of the stove.

The minimum distance of 1 meter from hot walls or ceilings can be reduced by using appropriate constructions made of non-hot materials that are placed on the walls-ceilings and do not impede air recirculation.

If you use an oil or oil stove

· Check the tightness of the pipes and fittings at regular intervals for oil leaking on the floor.

· Use the fuel recommended by the manufacturer.

· Check the good condition of the injectors because if they are damaged there will be an overflow in the combustion chamber.

· When you want to turn off the stove, be sure to turn off the power switch.

· Never put fuel in the stove when it is running or hot.

· Never try to light the stove when there is more fuel in the burner. There is a risk of overheating causing a fire or even an explosion of the fuel tank.

· If electricity is required for its operation, be careful when opening and closing the switch when turning on and off the stove.

· Never forget the power motor running while the stove is off.

· Do not place it on carpets.

· It is necessary to have a safety mechanism that will not allow the supply of fuel in case of extinguishing the flame.

·   If you use an Electric Stove

· Never use it without a protective wire mesh.

· Do not place it on carpets. It can tip over and cause a fire. Prefer devices that have a special closing lock that activates in the event of a rollover.

· Curtains, tablecloths, etc. should not be located near the electric stove.

· Avoid using stoves with visible resistance because although cheaper they are dangerous.

· Turn off the appliance when you are not in the room or asleep.

· The device should be at least 1 meter away from anything that may burn.

· Check the condition of the cables frequently. Bare wires and defective sockets cause fire.

· Do not forget that safer in their operation and safer are the electronic devices with oil circulation (eg the electric bodies). However, it is necessary: Do not put clothes, underwear, socks, etc. on these devices to dry. If you forget them for a long time on the lit device they will ignite.

If you use a LPG Stove

·  When switching on, after opening the tap of the bottle, put the button in the appropriate position.

· When turning off, close the bottle tap and also put the button in the appropriate position.

·  Do not forget that many types of gas stoves must operate with the special low pressure regulator.

·  Make sure that the gas supply hose is not creased.

·  Do not leave the stove on in the room when you are sleeping or leaving the house. Keep the stove away from moisture.

· Do not use it in the bathroom.

· Do not move it from room to room lit.

· Do not place the stove near flammable objects, clothes, armchairs, etc.

· Do not cover the stove during operation with covers and do not spread clothes on it for drying.

· Do not place it near furniture, curtains and other hot materials.

· When changing the bottle, make sure that the bottle switch is closed, there is no flame nearby and especially do not smoke.

· Some changes to the installation area may affect the performance of the heater with adverse effects on your safety.

·  It is forbidden to install LPG cylinders in basements, as well as ground floors, which communicate directly with basements.

If you find a gas leak

·  Do not light a match, lighter, electric light, etc. Extinguish any naked flame immediately.

·  Make sure you close the bottle tightly.

·  Ventilate the area well and call a service technician immediately. Also do not forget during the summer months (in order to store it), to cover your stove well and especially the burner, to protect it from dust.

Gas stove

The precautionary measures mentioned for gas stoves apply accordingly, with the exception of those relating to cylinders.

General instructions for intense weather


  • We make sure to be constantly informed by radio and television about the evolution of weather phenomena. The official sources of information are the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.
  • In case of emergency we call alternatively: Police 100, Fire Brigade 199, EKAB 166, the European Emergency Number 112.
  • We place the above essential telephone numbers in a visible place in the house if our children are able to use them and we make sure that they know it.
  • Help your children memorize family information such as their last name, address and home phone number.
  • Explain to all family members how and when to turn off electricity, gas and water, how to use the fire extinguisher and how to call for help.
  • We supply essential items such as first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight and batteries, portable radio, etc.
  • We take special care of children and the elderly.

Once the bad weather is over

  • We constantly follow the official warnings or tips on the radio and television.
  • We check our home and other assets to record potential damage.

If we are going to move

  • We are informed about the weather and the condition of the road network.
  • Depending on your destination, we consider the type of weather phenomena we may encounter (snow, frost, hail, rain, etc.).
  • We change our travel schedule to avoid the peak of weather phenomena
  • We travel during the day, preferring the main arteries and not the inaccessible and deserted roads..
  • We inform your relatives about the route we will follow ..
  • We do not ignore the instructions of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, the weather reports of the Hellenic Police. and the suggestions of the local authorities, such as the Traffic Police, the Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, etc.
  • We check the condition of our car before each move.
  • Equip the car with the necessary means to deal with severe weather (anti-skid chains, antifreeze, umbrellas, raincoats, wellies, flashlight, first aid kit, etc.).
  • Wear appropriate clothing if we are going to walk.
  • Be careful when walking to avoid injuries due to slippery roads and sidewalks or due to falling objects from excessive wind or hail.
  • We prefer public transport for our travels.
  • We remain calm and patient. Panic aggravates the situation.

We facilitate the work of the Authorities..




· Avoid sunbathing and stay in shady and cool places away from crowded places.

· Avoid heavy physical work especially in areas with high temperature, apnea and high humidity.

· Avoid walking for long hours or running in the sun.

· We make sure our diet consists of light and small meals, with emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Limit fats.

· Drink plenty of fluids (water and fruit juices). If we sweat a lot, we add salt to our food. We avoid alcoholic beverages.

· Take warm showers during the day and if necessary place wet covers on the head and neck.

· We take care of our family members who suffer from chronic diseases (respiratory, cardiovascular, etc.). We consult their doctor for the implementation of special instructions and for those who take drugs, if they should continue them and in what dosage, as some drugs increase the body temperature.

· Μεριμνούμε για τα μέλη της οικογένειάς μας που πάσχουν από χρόνια νοσήματα (αναπνευστικά, καρδιαγγειακά, κλπ.). Συμβουλευόμαστε το θεράποντα ιατρό τους για την εφαρμογή ειδικών οδηγιών και για όσους λαμβάνουν φάρμακα, αν πρέπει να τα συνεχίσουν και σε ποια δοσολογία, καθώς ορισμένα φάρμακα αυξάνουν τη θερμοκρασία του σώματος.

· We avoid long journeys by public transport when the heat is at very high levels.

For babies and children

· Wear them as lightly as possible. We make sure that their hands and feet are free and not wrapped in diapers.

· We take care not to stay in the sun after swimming in the sea and always wear a hat.

· In addition to milk, the administration of other liquids such as chamomile, water, etc. is recommended.

· Especially for babies and older children, we make sure they eat more herbs and fruits and less fat.

For the elderly

· We move them to cooler places or areas (by the sea or in the mountains), because the very hot and humid environment is dangerous. Alternatively we make sure they remain in the lower apartments of multi-storey houses.

· We open the house at night to cool down and keep it tightly closed during the hot hours of the day.

· We do not leave the elderly members of the family alone in cases of summer vacation or our long absence from home. Otherwise, we provide a person for their daily care.

For pets and stray animals

· We make sure they have water

Stormy Winds

Stormy Winds (brochure) 

Before and during stormy winds

  • We insure objects which if carried by the wind may cause damage or injury
  • Attach the billboards that we may have posted.
  • We secure the doors and windows of your home or workplace.
  • We avoid activities in marine and coastal areas.
  • Avoid passing under large trees, under hanging signs and generally in areas where light objects (eg pots, broken glass, etc.) can come off and fall to the ground (eg under balconies). .

STORMS (brochure)

During a storm

If we are at home

  • Insure items that may be swept away by wind or heavy rain and may cause damage or injury.
  • We control the way of affixing billboards that we may have posted.
  • Secure doors and windows.
  • We do not hold electrical appliances or the telephone because lightning can pass through the cables. Disconnect the TV sets from the antenna and the power supply.
  • Avoid touching the plumbing pipes (kitchen, bathroom) as they are good conductors of electricity.

If we are in the car

  • Immobilize it on the side of the road and away from trees that may fall on it.
  • Stay inside and turn on the stop lights (emergency lights) until the storm stops.
  • Close the windows and do not touch metal objects.
  • Avoid flooded roads.

If we are outdoors

  • We resort to a building or a car, otherwise we immediately sit on the ground without lying down
  • We protect ourselves under solid branches of low trees in case we are in a forest.
  • We never take refuge under a tall tree in the open.
  • Avoid low soils for the risk of flooding
  • We do not stand by pylons, power lines, telephone lines and fences.
  • Do not approach metal objects (eg cars, bicycles, camping tools, etc.).
  • We move away from rivers, lakes or other bodies of water.
  • If we are in the sea we go out immediately.
  • If we are isolated in a flat area and we feel your hair rising (which indicates that lightning will soon appear), we make a deep seat with the head between the legs (to minimize the surface of your body and our contact with the ground) throwing the metal objects we have on us.

During a hailstorm

We protect ourselves immediately. We do not leave the safe area until we are sure that the storm


SNOWFALLS (brochure)

If we live in an inaccessible area that faces problems from snowfall

  • We supply heating material and food for several days.
  • We take care of snow cleaning equipment (eg shovels).

During a snowfall or blizzard

If we are at home

  • Keep it warm and stay in it as long as we canε
  • We do not allow children to go out unaccompanied.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes.
  • We check the water supply network, the pipes and the glass of the solar water heater.

If we are in the car

  • Avoid driving in inaccessible mountainous areas.
  • We change course if we are on an impassable road and there is heavy snowfall.
  • We keep the safe distances from the vehicles in front.
  • We stay in the car if it stops. We place a brightly colored cloth on the radio antenna or other conspicuous spot so that rescue teams can locate you. Turn on the engine for 10 minutes per hour and keep the exhaust clear of snow.

If we are outdoors

  • Go to a safe place without being exposed to the blizzard.
  • We dress with many layers of light and warm clothes instead of one heavy garment and wear warm waterproof boots. We prefer a waterproof outerwear.
  • We watch our movements in areas where snowfall is forecast.
  • We use anti-skid chains if it is absolutely necessary to move by car. It is best to travel during the day using main roads. We inform your relatives about the route we will follow.
  • We prefer public transport for transportation in the city.


· In areas where frost has formed, caution is required when driving. We are informed about the condition of the road network and we have anti-skid chains.

· If we move on foot, wear appropriate shoes to avoid injuries due to slipperiness.

In the water supply networks of the houses

  • We find out where the water meter (clock) of our house is located as well as the places where the main and peripheral water supply switches are located.
  • We check and make sure that the switches of the water supply network open and close and work smoothly.
  • We make sure that the external pipes (eg solar water heater, balcony taps) are insulated, otherwise we make sure that they are insulated as soon as possible.
  • We isolate or rather empty the network of the solar water heater, if we are going to be missing for a long time during the winter. We adjust the heating system of the house so that it works automatically at low temperatures.
  • Turn off the water supply to the solar water heater and drain the water from the system, if we are at home during the frost and especially at night.
  • We do not waste water to remove snow and ice.
  • We limit activities that require increased water consumption (washing machines, etc.)..
  • We are informed if an antifreeze has been installed on the solar water heater by the manufacturer or the installation specialist, in case of a closed circuit. Otherwise, we procure the appropriate antifreeze and take care of its installation.
  • Check for leaks in taps or cisterns. If there are, we take care to repair them immediately.
  • We make sure that the gutters on the balconies and terraces are clean of leaves and debris and work smoothly.


If the main water pipes are frozen

  • Immediately turn off the main water supply switch of the house and check the water meter. If it continues to operate (“writes”) then there is a leak in the network. Turn off the mains switch and call a plumber.
  • If we decide to defrost the pipes, we start from the part of the pipe near the switch so that the temperature change is gradual. If you do not have results, contact a plumber.
  • We check if the electrical installations are wet or in danger in order to isolate them.

For any damage we call from a landline or mobile phone 24 hours a day the number 1022 and we connect with the Business Operation Center of EYDAP SA in order to declare the water supply damage.

Travel in winter
press here

EARTHQUAKE (brochure)

WE ARE PREPARED (brochure)

Within the home

  • We fasten the shelves and the bookshelves to the walls. We remove from the doors the tall furniture that can be overturned and prevent the exit.
  • We screw the water heater and the fuel and water tanks well to the walls.
  • Place the heavy objects on the lower shelves.
  • Remove heavy objects over beds and sofas.
  • Fix the luminaires and ceiling fans well.
  • We identify well-protected areas in each room of the house:
    – under sturdy cabinets or tables.
    – away from glass surfaces and bookshelves.
    – away from external walls.
  • We check the correct operation of the electricity and gas supply network.
  • We inform the family members about how the general switches for electricity, water and gas are closed and about the emergency telephones (112, 199, 166, 100 etc.)
  • We supply portable radio with batteries, flashlight and first aid case.

Outside the house

  • We choose a safe meeting place after the earthquake which is located:
    – away from buildings and trees
    – away from telephone and electric cables.


If we are inside the house

  • We keep your cool.
  • We cover ourselves under some durable furniture (table, desk, desk), we kneel and hold his leg with your hands.
  • If there is no durable furniture, we kneel in the middle of the room, reducing our height as much as possible and protect our head and neck with our hands. We move away from large glass surfaces (windows, glass partitions) or furniture and objects that may injure us.
  • We do not try to leave the house.
  • We do not go out on the balcony.

If we are in a tall building

  • We move away from windows and exterior walls.

If we are in an entertainment venue, mall or department store

  • We keep your cool.
  • We stay in the space until the vibration ends.
  • We are not carried away by the panicked crowd that moves erratically towards the exits because we are in danger of being trampled.

 If we are in an open space

  • We move away from areas under buildings, telephone or electrical cables.
  • If we have a bag or briefcase with us, we cover our head with them..

If we are in the car

  • We resort to open space and carefully stop the car so as not to obstruct traffic.
  • Avoid passing through tunnels, bridges or overpasses.


If we are in the house

  • We are preparing for any aftershocks.
  • We carefully check ourselves and those around us for possible injuries.
  • If there are seriously injured we do not move them.
  • We evacuate the building from the stairwell (we do not use the elevator), after first closing the switches of electricity, gas and water.
  • We resort to an open and safe place.
  • We follow the instructions of the Authorities and do not pay attention to gossip.
  • We do not use your car unnecessarily so as not to become an obstacle to the work of rescue teams.
  • We use our landline or mobile phone in exceptional cases, because we cause overload of the telephone networks.
  • We avoid entering your home if we see damage, broken cables, gas or gas leaks.



If we are in a coastal area with low altitude

  • Although not all earthquakes cause tsunamis, we remain vigilant.
  • We observe if there is a significant rise or fall of the water level, which is a natural warning.
  • We move away from the sea and head to inland areas with higher altitude. A small tsunami in one part of the coast can turn into a large tsunami, miles away.
  • We live far from the coast. The tsunami does not consist of only one wave but of a series of waves so we return only after being informed by the competent authorities that there is no danger.

We do not approach the shores to watch an impending tsunami. When we see it maybe it’s too late to avoid it.


FLOOD (brochure)

In case we are informed about the occurrence of heavy rainfall in our area:

  • We make sure that the wells outside our house are not blocked and the gutters are working properly.
  • We restrict our movements and avoid work and staying in underground spaces.


If we are inside a building

  • We leave underground spaces and move to a safe high point

If we are in an open space

  • We do not cross a torrent on foot or by car.
  • We stay away from power lines.
  • We abandon our car if it has come to a standstill as it may be swept away or flooded.
  • We do not approach areas where landslides have occurred.


If we are in an open space

  • We stay away from areas that have been flooded or are in danger of flooding again in the next few hours.
    – the flood may have altered the characteristics of familiar areas and the waters may have washed away parts of the road, sidewalks, etc.
    – there are dangers from broken roads, areas with dangerous slopes, mudflows, etc.
    – water may be contaminated if litter, objects and dead animals are carried away.
  • Be careful not to obstruct rescue teams.
  • We do not approach areas where landslides and rock falls have occurred.
  • We check if your home or workplace is at risk of falling rocks.

If we must walk or drive to flooded areas

  • We are trying to find solid ground
  • We avoid flowing water.
  • If we find ourselves in front of a road that has been flooded, we stop and change direction.
  • We avoid stagnant water. They can be good conductors of electricity as they hide underground cables or leaks from installations.
  • We faithfully follow the instructions of the competent authorities.


Before we begin the recovery process

  • We remember that the dangers of flooding do not subside immediately after the withdrawal of water.
  • We make sure from the Authorities that the area where our home or workplace is located is now safe and then we return to it especially if it has been evacuated.
  • We turn off the electricity supply, even if the electricity in our area has been cut off.
  • We turn off the water supply, in case of damage to the water supply network.

In order to look at a building that has been flooded

  • Wear closed shoes to avoid injuries from objects or irregularities in the ground that hide the water.
  • We look at the walls, the doors, the stairs and the windows.
  • We examine the electricity, water supply and sewerage networks.

FOREST FIRES (brochure)


If we are in the countryside

  • We do not burn garbage or dry grass and branches during the summer months.
  • We do not light outdoor grills in the woods or in areas with dry grass in summer.
  • Avoid work that may cause a fire (eg welding, using a wheel or other tool that creates sparks).
  • We do not throw lighted cigarettes.
  • We do not leave garbage in the forest. There is a risk of ignition.
  • We respect the prohibitions of access in times of high risk.

If our house is in or near a forest

  • We create a fire zone around the house by cleaning the dry grass and leaves, pine needles and branches within a radius of at least 10 meters.
  • We prune the trees up to a height of 3 meters, depending on their age and condition.
  • Remove dry branches from trees and shrubs.
  • We do not let the branches of the trees rest on the walls, the roof and the balconies of the house. We prune them leaving a distance of at least 5 meters from the house.
  • Dilute the tree vegetation so that the branches of one tree are at least 3 meters away from the branches of the other. For even greater protection, we remove the tree and shrub vegetation around the building at a distance of at least 10 meters, provided that the cleaning works of the natural vegetation imposed for the protection of the buildings do not in any case violate the provisions of the forest legislation.
  • We do not install plastic gutters or pipes on the walls of the house.
  • We do not install shutters made of flammable materials on windows and balcony doors.
  • We make sure that the covers in the chimneys and the air ducts of the house are made of non-flammable material so that sparks do not penetrate.
  • We do not store flammable items near the house.
  • We place the firewood in closed and sheltered places..
  • We do not build uncovered fuel tanks near the house.
  • We procure the appropriate fire extinguishers and take care of their maintenance.
  • We are equipped with a watering pipe with a length proportional to the area we want to protect.
  • We are equipped with a water tank, a simple pump that works without electricity and a water pipe.

As soon as we notice a fire

  • We call IMMEDIATELY to the Fire Service (tel.199) and give clear information about:
    –  the location and exact location we are at,
    –  the location, the exact point and the direction of the fire.
    –  the type of vegetation that burns.

If the fire is approaching our house

  • We keep our cool.
  • We transfer all flammable materials from around the building to enclosed and sheltered areas..
  • We close all the passages (chimneys, windows, doors, etc.) so that the heat does not penetrate inside the house.
  • We turn off the gas and liquid fuel supplies inside and outside the house.
  • We collect the awnings on the balconies and windows.
  • We facilitate the access of fire trucks by opening the garden door.
  • We place a ladder on the outside of the house, opposite the direction of the fire so that there is the possibility of direct access to the roof.
  • We connect the watering hoses and spread them so that the perimeter of the house is covered.
  • If visibility is reduced, turn on the interior and exterior lights of the house to make it visible through the smoke.

 As soon as the fire is over

  • We leave the house and immediately turn off the remaining small hobs..
  • We check for at least 48 hours, at regular intervals, the perimeter and the outside of the house for the possibility of re-ignitions.

 If the fire has reached your home

  • We do not leave the building unless our escape is fully secured.
  • We do not get in a car. The chances of survival in a house made of non-combustible materials are much higher than in a car that is exposed to smoke and flames.
  • If we stay at home:
    – Close the doors and windows well.
    – Block the cracks with wet cloths to prevent smoke from entering.
    – Remove the curtains from the windows.
    – We move inside the rooms the furniture that is near the windows and the external doors.
    – Close the intermediate doors to slow down the spread of the fire.
    – Fill the bathtub, sinks and buckets with backup water.
    – We all gather together in one room.
    – We make sure there is a flashlight and spare batteries with us in case of power failure.
  • If your house is wooden we are looking for shelter in a built house.ι.
  • If an evacuation of the area is ordered, we faithfully follow the instructions of the Authorities and the routes that will be given to us.

Protection for Safe Heating (brochure)

Tips for prevention measures from alternative heating sources (use of heaters in homes)

· Do not use open type heaters with naked flame. Avoid appliances that have visible or exposed incandescent surfaces, such as braziers, etc.

· Comply with the manufacturer’s specifications.

· Prefer branded constructions that have been certified by a recognized laboratory.

· Perform regular maintenance (at least annually).

· Keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter from hot materials, such as curtains, wooden furniture, carpets, wooden walls, etc. Under no circumstances place the heaters on carpets.

· Choose a suitable location so that there is no risk of tipping over. Also, it is not allowed to place the heaters in escape routes – emergency exits and in general in places where any malfunction of the device will make the exit inactive.

· Cleaning fluids for clothes, floors and appliances are generally flammable. Do not switch on the appliances immediately after using these liquids, as vapors may still be present in the room. Also, do not place the heaters in areas where there is gasoline, other flammable vapors or flammable gases.

· Children are impressed in front of the fire, which is why they like to play with it, not knowing the dangers.

· Before leaving your home, check if the heaters are on

· Chimneys must have spark traps.

· Plan and practice evacuating your home in the event of a fire.

· The fire extinguisher is expected to help significantly in some difficult time. Read carefully and follow the instructions on it. The fire extinguisher is recommended to be dry powder with a minimum extinguishing capacity of 21A-113B-C and suitable for extinguishing fires in the presence of electricity.

· The installation of even portable (simple) fire detectors, although not required by current fire protection legislation, will mean an alarm in case of fire. There are fire detectors of different technologies depending on the conditions of the installation site (ionization, heat, photoelectric).

· The installation of portable gas detectors is also recommended if LPG-natural gas heaters are installed in the area.

· Finally, the installation of carbon monoxide detectors is recommended in cases of fuel use.

If you use a Fireplace or Firewood Stove-pellet


· Prefer branded constructions that have been certified by a recognized laboratory.

· Solid fuel should not have moisture.

· The installation should be done by people-crews who have the required technical knowledge.

· Do not throw flammable liquid, such as gasoline, alcohol, etc. to amplify or rekindle the fire because many outbreaks of fire are created abruptly, which can be transmitted to various nearby objects or endanger yourself.

· When removing the ash from the fireplace or firewood stove use a metal ashtray and be careful not to drop burning coals on the carpets and never empty the ashes into a plastic trash can.

· Do not place mirrors over the fireplace, or near the stove, as they attract people and approach without realizing it near the fire.


Prefabricated fireplaces should be properly supported to avoid movement.

Fireplaces made of other solid building materials (concrete, etc.) must be based on load-bearing structures with a minimum fire resistance of at least 3 hours.

An extension of the floor made of stone, concrete and other fireproof materials is required in front of and on either side of the fireplace opening.

· Do not leave small objects on the windowsill in the fireplace. It is certain that the children will come to get them.

· It is recommended to place a door or other suitable mechanism in front of the opening.


The volume of the space should be at least 15 cubic meters with appropriate sizing and placement of the device that will allow the correct recirculation of air.

If the floor is wooden or made of hot materials, place the stove on a base with a minimum thickness of 5-10 cm, made of fireproof materials with a minimum fire resistance index of at least 2 hours (marble, concrete, etc.) so that if burning coal falls from the box that was left open for a while, not to come into contact with flammable materials. The above base should extend around the perimeter of the stove at a distance of at least half a meter. The above base must be covered on its surface by a metal plate with a minimum thickness of 0.62 mm. If the distance between the stove base and the floor is less than 50 mm, the stove should not be placed on a wooden floor or made of hot materials. In any case, the construction is required not to impede the free circulation of air. Also, the floor can withstand the load of the stove.

The minimum distance of 1 meter from hot walls or ceilings can be reduced by using appropriate constructions made of non-hot materials that are placed on the walls-ceilings and do not impede air recirculation.

If you use an oil or oil stove

· Check the tightness of the pipes and fittings at regular intervals for oil leaking on the floor.

· Use the fuel recommended by the manufacturer.

· Check the good condition of the injectors because if they are damaged there will be an overflow in the combustion chamber.

· When you want to turn off the stove, be sure to turn off the power switch.

· Never put fuel in the stove when it is running or hot.

· Never try to light the stove when there is more fuel in the burner. There is a risk of overheating causing a fire or even an explosion of the fuel tank.

· If electricity is required for its operation, be careful when opening and closing the switch when turning on and off the stove.

· Never forget the power motor running while the stove is off.

· Do not place it on carpets.

· It is necessary to have a safety mechanism that will not allow the supply of fuel in case of extinguishing the flame.

·   If you use an Electric Stove

· Never use it without a protective wire mesh.

· Do not place it on carpets. It can tip over and cause a fire. Prefer devices that have a special closing lock that activates in the event of a rollover.

· Curtains, tablecloths, etc. should not be located near the electric stove.

· Avoid using stoves with visible resistance because although cheaper they are dangerous.

· Turn off the appliance when you are not in the room or asleep.

· The device should be at least 1 meter away from anything that may burn.

· Check the condition of the cables frequently. Bare wires and defective sockets cause fire.

· Do not forget that safer in their operation and safer are the electronic devices with oil circulation (eg the electric bodies). However, it is necessary: Do not put clothes, underwear, socks, etc. on these devices to dry. If you forget them for a long time on the lit device they will ignite.

If you use a LPG Stove

·  When switching on, after opening the tap of the bottle, put the button in the appropriate position.

· When turning off, close the bottle tap and also put the button in the appropriate position.

·  Do not forget that many types of gas stoves must operate with the special low pressure regulator.

·  Make sure that the gas supply hose is not creased.

·  Do not leave the stove on in the room when you are sleeping or leaving the house. Keep the stove away from moisture.

· Do not use it in the bathroom.

· Do not move it from room to room lit.

· Do not place the stove near flammable objects, clothes, armchairs, etc.

· Do not cover the stove during operation with covers and do not spread clothes on it for drying.

· Do not place it near furniture, curtains and other hot materials.

· When changing the bottle, make sure that the bottle switch is closed, there is no flame nearby and especially do not smoke.

· Some changes to the installation area may affect the performance of the heater with adverse effects on your safety.

·  It is forbidden to install LPG cylinders in basements, as well as ground floors, which communicate directly with basements.

If you find a gas leak

·  Do not light a match, lighter, electric light, etc. Extinguish any naked flame immediately.

·  Make sure you close the bottle tightly.

·  Ventilate the area well and call a service technician immediately. Also do not forget during the summer months (in order to store it), to cover your stove well and especially the burner, to protect it from dust.

Gas stove

The precautionary measures mentioned for gas stoves apply accordingly, with the exception of those relating to cylinders.