BABY SWIMMING (heated 30-31°C)
The program of learning and developing skills in the water, in the form of a game! For parents and babies aged from 6 months to 3,5 years.
Benefits: Enhances children’s physique, respiratory and cardiac function, improves posture, shields their health. They overcome their fears, gain courage and self-confidence, become more autonomous and social. It is also an opportunity for parents to spend constructive time with their children.
Registration documents: For the child: Medical certificate of a pediatrician and 1 photo. For the attendant: Medical certificate of a cardiologist and dermatologist or specialist physician (covers both specialties).
Necessary equipment: Swimsuit, and special diaper.
Schedule: The course is attended 2 times a week and lasts 40 minutes.
Morning classes: Monday-Thursday 10.30 & 11.20. Friday 10.30. Saturday 10.30 & 11.15.
Afternoon classes: Daily 16.00, 16.45, 17.30, 18.15 & 19.00.
Tuition: Citizens-Residents of Alimos 35 € / month. Hetero citizens 50 € / month.
For the residents of Alimos it is necessary to present any account in the name of the interested party (or the parent if he is a minor) that will prove the residence address in Alimos.
For the citizens of Alimos, a certificate from the Municipal Register or a Citizen card is required.
Regardless of age, practitioners should be fasting for at least three hours.