Address: Geroulanou & Kefallinias Avenue
Phone: 210-9810778 & 210-9810445
Its responsibilities include:
The care of the implementation of any general or special plan, which concerns the response to emergencies, resulting from earthquakes, floods, fires, power outages, epidemics and major accidents.
The formation of the necessary emergency response teams and citizens’ committees, in cooperation with the competent Services of the Attica Region.
The care of the preparation of the necessary gathering plans of the citizens after each earthquake, the drafting of memoranda of action and the definition of those who are responsible.
The pre-provision of the necessary materials and means for the activation of the citizens’ committees and the immediate intervention groups.
The information of the staff and the emergency response teams about the necessary measures, before the emergencies.
The announcement to the residents of the area by any means of the instructions for dealing with problems created by emergencies.
The care for the supply and maintenance of the necessary sirens.
The care for executing emergency exercises.
The monitoring of the correspondence, the information of the responsible bodies and the keeping of records.
The monitoring of the relevant legislation.