Address: Geroulanou & Keffalinias Avenue
Phone: 210-9810778 & 210-9810445



Indicatively, among other, the department:

  • Monitors the regular implementation of working programs and supervises the quality of the results of each relevant work..

  • Plans, monitors and coordinates the issues of cleanliness of the Municipality.

  • Takes care of the installation of new trash cans and recycling.

  • Takes care of the proper handling and maintenance of the vehicles and technical equipment used by the cleaning crews of the Department.

  • Records and collections daily data for the execution of the waste collection process, of the recycled materials collection process and of the cleaning programs.

  • Takes care of the establishment and proper operation of waste collection mechanisms and systems. In this context, it takes care of the management of the solid waste facilities at the level of temporary storage, as well as of the transshipment, the treatment, the recycling and general utilization, the disposal, the operation of relevant facilities, the construction of treatment and utilization plants.

  • Forms the curricula and sets up the workers for the collection of municipal garbage and recycled materials and their transfer to landfills or their processing plants.

  • Carries out with the appropriate workers and technical means for the project of collecting municipal waste and recycled materials and transporting them to landfills or their processing plants.

  • Carries out with the appropriate workers and technical means for the project of cleaning the streets and other common areas of the Municipality and the collection of garbage in transshipment areas.

  • Forms the detailed programs and sets up the workers for the cleaning of the streets and other common areas of the Municipality and the collection of garbage in transshipment areas.

  • Establishes special crew and carries out similar tasks, such as the collection of bulky items, cleaning of illegal posters and advertisements, cleaning of abandoned houses, etc.

  • Takes care of the washing and keeping in good condition the bins and the garbage collection bins and the recycled materials.

  • Takes care of the location, monitoring and removal of all types of abandoned private vehicles (including motorcycles, mopeds, etc.) in the area of the municipality, and sends periodic and consolidated statements of the vehicles that have been removed for service.

  • Collects, maintains and processes data from the performance of cleaning operations , formulates and monitors relevant efficiency indicators.

  • Monitors the availability of technical means required to carry out the work and cooperates with the Department of Vehicle Maintenance to better utilize the technical means available to the Municipality.

  • Provides secretarial support to the Directorate of Environment and its Departments (protocol keeping, processing and archiving of correspondence, personnel issues, etc.).

  • Compiles and takes care of the implementation of training programs for the staff of the Department.

  • Studies the organization and operation of the collection and transportation system and ensures the issuance of the required collection and transport permit.

  • Studies, plans, suggests and monitors the implementation of alternative municipal solid garbage management systems.

  • Studies and suggests of the technical specifications and the necessary quantities of all kinds of technical means and materials required for the efficient and effective performance of the above functions (vehicles, technical means, bins, etc.).

  • Sets the general framework for carrying out cleaning work (garbage collection, recyclable materials, street cleaning, special workshops, etc.).