Address: Geroulanou & Kefallinias Avenue
Tel: 210-9810778 & 210-9810445
- Forms the detailed programs and sets up the workers to perform the maintenance of greenery and gardening (planting, fertilizing, watering, pruning, etc.).
- Carries out, with the appropriate crews and technical means, the maintenance of the greenery and the gardening.
- Monitors the regular implementation of the programs of the green maintenance work and supervises the quality of the results of the relevant work.
- Ensures the proper handling and the maintenance of the good condition of the technical means used by the workers of the Department.
- Records and collects daily data of the performance of the work programs of the Office.
- Records and collects daily requests of citizens which processes and resolves.
- Takes care of the efficient operation of the Nursery of the Municipality and the storage areas of tools, fertilizers and other materials.
- Ensures the taking of preventive and repressive measures for the protection of shared public spaces from fire. In this context, takes care of the observance in order to compliance with the obligations the owners, the connoisseurs and usufructuaries, to clean the plots and uncovered areas located within the city. In case of non-compliance of the obligors, it is obligatory to carry out the ex-officio cleaning of these areas and sends the data to the Financial Service for confirmation to their detriment of the relevant expense.
- Studies, plans and suggests the appropriate composition and staffing of the various green maintenance crews.
- Provides secretarial support to the Directorate of Environment and its Departments (protocol keeping, processing and archiving of correspondence, personnel issues, etc.).
- Studies, plans and suggests the improvement of the systems and means that are suitable for ensuring the satisfactory maintenance and development of the green spaces of the Municipality.
- Studies and suggests the technical specifications and the necessary quantities of all kinds of technical means and materials required for the efficient and effective performance of the functions of maintenance and development of the green spaces of the Municipality (technical means, tools, fertilizers, medicines, etc.).
- Collects, maintains and processes data from the performance of greenery maintenance work and forms and monitors relevant efficiency indicators.
- Prepares and ensures the implementation of training programs for the green maintenance staff of the Municipality.