Address: Aristotelous 53, Alimos Town Hall (1st floor)
Tel.: 213-2008031



Indicatively, among other responsibilities of the office are:

  • Performs any work, in accordance with the provisions and applicable regulations, relating to the certification of revenue, receipts, etc.
  • Controls the requirements of the Municipality: a) from taxes, fees, rights, contributions, keeps the certification data of each municipal income, certifies them and sends to the fund of the Municipality the relevant certificates of money lists etc, b) from the exploitation of the Municipal property and care for the management of bequests.
  • It generally monitors the material taxable by the Municipality and collects data related to municipal taxes.
  • Carries out any preparatory work related to the write-off of certified or unduly collected taxes, fees and contributions and prepares the relevant deletion or refund tables.
  • Keeps the records of the municipal real estate and movable property in electronic and physical form (files with descriptive data and ownership documents).
  • Takes care of the promotion of the utilization of the municipal real estate in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Municipality and the management of the exploitation of the municipal real estate (eg care of the collection of rents, etc.).
  • Issues, finalizes after the completion of the procedures of any appeals for the execution of the respective receipts and notifies extracts of the cash lists, obligatory and corresponding due amounts by annuity category and arranges for the issuance (competently) and the notification of an imputation or imposition decision cases of violation of the existing tax provisions and the applicable regulations of the Municipality.
  • Collects data for the verification of the obligations and the amount of the financial obligations to the Municipality of natural persons or of any kind of enterprises of the area, for taxes, fees, rights, contributions that must be periodically paid to the Municipality based on the provisions in force each time of legislation.
  • Checks the accuracy of the figures based on which the amount per taxpayer of previous taxes, contributions, fees, rights, etc. is calculated.
  • Creates and maintains records required for the payment of the individual amounts that constitute regular revenues of the Municipality.
  • Processes data and makes periodic calculations of the amount due by annuity category and liable.
  • Takes care of informing the obligors for the payment of the previously due amounts.
  • Supervises the violations of the Road Traffic Code, ie receives the fines from the Hellenic Police or the Municipal Police, processes them, certifies them and forwards them for collection to the Municipal Fund and the competent Tax Office.