Headquarters: TOWN HALL– Aristotelous 53, P.C. 17455 – 4th floor
Office Manager: Margetis Dimitris
Phone number: 213-2008043



Responsibilities of the Office are:

  • The reception of complaints directly affected citizens and businesses for maladminist management of its services, legal persons and businesses of the Municipality.Mediation to solve the relevant problems, replying in writing or electronically within thirty (30) days to the interested parties.
  • The formulation of proposals to improve the municipal administration and its relations with the public, both in the context of the Annual Report of the Companion and in the context of significant maladministration problems identified by the Companion himself.
  • The special proposals of the co-sponsor are submitted to the Mayor and communicated to the Municipal Council and the General Secretary of the Municipality, while they are necessarily posted on the website of the Municipality, with the care of the Service.