Headquarters: TOWN HALL– Aristotelous 53, P.C. 17455
Indicatively include responsibilities of the Office:
- It collects, processes, documents and constantly updates the geographical, demographic, economic, social and other elements related to the development of the Municipality, in cooperation with the competent bodies and services of the Municipality.
- It gathers and documents the know-how and information necessary for the formulation of the development programs of the Municipality (e.g. studies and issues of Self-Government, legislation concerning the self-government, functions and objectives of the Municipality, etc.).
- It arranges for research to be carried out on the needs of citizens and gathers and documents proposals for interventions (projects, actions, programmes) that will meet the needs of citizens.
- It studies, plans and recommends the implementation of economic development programs of the Municipality area, using local natural resources and municipal property, the development of human resources, the creation and management of infrastructures supporting the local economy.
- It studies, plans and recommends the implementation of programmes and actions, which incorporate gender equality and positive measures in favor of women in the Proposals of the Municipality in the national and co-financed programmes.
- It cooperates with the services of the Region of Attica to harmonize the economic development programs of the Municipality region with the broader corresponding programs of the Region.
- It cooperates with the competent services and draws up proposals concerning the implementation of programmes to ensure and continuously improve the technical and social infrastructure (structured environment) in the Municipality, with the aim of ensuring satisfactory quality of life conditions
- It ensures the drafting of the 5-year Operational Programme and the annual action programme of the Municipality and supports the administrative bodies and services of the Municipality and its Legal Entities and the project team that can be set up for the preparation of the Five-Year Operational Programme of the Municipality, during the process of preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the operational programme and the Annual Action Programmes , in which the operational programme is specified.
- Supports the competent bodies of the Municipality for the monitoring and reporting of the Annual Action Plans of the Municipality. In particular (a) during the implementation of the annual action plan of the Municipality, it prepares monitoring reports in cooperation with the competent services, at regular intervals determined by a decision of the Mayor and (b) before the preparation of the financial report, submits to the report with the action report of the previous year, after taking into account the reports of the services.
- It studies and recommends for the specifications, the necessary quantities and the costing of all kinds of means, materials and services required for the efficient and effective operation of the Municipality, for supplies / services that are not subject to the object of other Services of the Municipality, forwarding the relevant request to the Procurement Department.
- It supports the conclusion and monitors the progress of programming and other contracts between the Municipality and other bodies for the implementation of projects, actions and programmes. • Supports inter-municipal partnerships and relations between the Municipality and other public bodies.
- It designs and recommends systems and methods for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the services of the Municipality and its Legal Persons (procedures, indicators, etc.). • Designs and recommends the Regulation for measuring and evaluating the performance of municipal services in accordance with the applicable legislation.
- It formulates and proposes periodic objectives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the services of the Municipality and its Legal Entities.
- Gathers data related to the efficiency and effectiveness of the services and the achievement of the relevant periodic objectives, monitors their development, processes the data and issues informative reports.
- Formulates annually the reports of efficiency and effectiveness of services and Legal Entities.
- Identifies the best practices of efficient and effective operation and promotes their application in other services.
- Plans, suggests and coordinates the implementation of total quality management systems and self-evaluation procedures.
- Suggests and monitors the implementation of programs, projects and actions to improve the organization of the Municipality in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
- It ensures the installation and maintenance of assurance systems a) the quality of the individual functions of the Municipality, b) the management adequacy of the Municipality in the design and production of projects.
- Specifically, It arranges for the implementation of approved projects and actions to improve the organization of the Municipality and its Legal Entities. In particular, it ensure the design – redesign and implementation of improved organizational structures, allocation of responsibilities, allocation of staff, organizational systems, internal procedures and forms.
- It arranges for the preparation of all kinds of internal Regulations of the Municipality and its Legal Entities (Internal Rules of Services, Internal Regulations of Operation, Regulations for the Provision of Services to citizens, etc.) in cooperation with the competent services.
- It monitors compliance and plans and recommends any updates to the organizational structure and more generally to the provisions of the Internal Service Agency of the Municipality.
- It arranges for the identification of the necessary jobs and the determination of the number of staff per job and organizational unit of the Municipality, in cooperation with the competent services and cooperates with the Directorate of Administrative Services for the planning of the filling of positions (with new executives or redepnoding of existing staff)
- It designs and recommends systems and procedures to monitor the proper implementation of internal organizational systems, procedures and regulations approved by the competent bodies.
- Monitors the implementation of the approved systems and procedures for the good implementation of the internal organizational systems, procedures and regulations and informs the competent bodies of the Municipality in case of discrepancies.
- Conducts surveys to assess the degree of satisfaction of citizens with the services provided and municipal policy.